White Thread Press

Faraz A. Khan

Faraz Ahmed Khan has lived in Amman, Jordan, for several years studying and teaching traditional Islamic sciences, with a focus on Hanafi jurisprudence, hadith studies, theology, logic, and Arabic grammar. His teachers include Shaykh Ahmad al-Jammal, Dr. Ashraf Muneeb, Dr. Salah Abu ’l-Hajj, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani, Shaykh Hamza al-Bakri, and Shaykh Naeem Abdul Wali. They have given him permission and encouragement to teach what he has studied. The texts he covered include: Maraqi ’l-Falah, Al-Lubab fi Sharh al-Kitab, Al-Mukhtar, Sharh al-Sawi ‘ala Jawharat al-Tawhid, Bad’ al-Amali, Al-Fiqh al-Akbar, Al-Bidaya fi Usul al-Din, Imam Taftazani’s Sharh al-‘Aqa’id, Al-Sullam fi ’l-Mantiq, Nuzhat al-Nazar Sharh Nukhbat al-Fikar, and others. He is a teacher at the Qasid Institute, and is Associate Scholar of the Risala Foundation in Houston, Texas. He currently resides in Amman where he is pursuing advanced Islamic studies.

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