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White Thread Press

The Supreme Daily Remembrance Translation Limited Edition Leather Copy

The Supreme Daily Remembrance Translation Limited Edition Leather Copy

Al-Hizb al-A’zam wa 'l-Wird al-Afkham

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Detailed Description

The Supreme Daily Remembrance and the Noble Litany (Al-Hizb al-A’zam wa ‘l-Wird al-Afkham) is a beautifully organized and comprehensive collection of invocations drawn from the Qur’an and Prophetic Sunna. Its wide range leaves uncovered hardly any area of worldly and otherworldly concern, and a complete reading might well put before Allah just about everything one would need in both this life and the next.

This work’s acceptance is plainly visible in the multitudes of devotees who recite it regularly around the world. A lot of attention has been paid to it, from commentaries and translations to abridgements and rearrangements.


This is a special deluxe handbound leather edition available in two colours. Each book will come in its own matching sleeve. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Adil Razik
Amazing book

I am so happy with this book. It is beautiful and very enjoyable to read. It is full of very powerful duas and good to have the English translation. I have a few copies of this book but I wanted a more special edition this is why I got this one.


Masha’Allah this a beautiful book, by far the best quality and elegant book, attention to detail is mind blowing, absolutely stunning. Best gift someone can be given, Allah SWT accept everyone’s efforts in compiling this masterpiece.

Ihsan publication

I originally bought the standard edition when it was first released after being a somewhat regular reader of Hizbul Azam for a few years. After attending a Maqra'a of the book I noticed I became more attached to it so I thought why not invest in a real special print of something I'm reading everyday. The real leather feel hits differently and truly feels like a royal item. You won't be disappointed!

May Allah bless Shaykh for his ihsan that has gone into producing a truly beautiful and inspirational Hizbul Azam and accept from him. Ameen.

P.S I gave my standard edition to my wife who reads it every day too, so it hasn't gone to waste.

Ismail Dudhwala
Legendry Masterpiece

A high quality print of the legendry Hizb Al Azam, definitely worth getting for anyone who is looking to connect with Almighty Allah through Dua. Having read through other collections of duas from various authors, i would recommend the Hizb Al Azam the most because of the connection with the invocations. With the translation Mufti Sahab has done tremendous work producing the leather editions and limited editions. This is exactly what this work deserves. From the cover to the content it is immaculate and definitely a must have.